Womb Alchemy
Blossoming Remembering Awakening
“The womb is the gateway of all human life. When the womb is honored and respected, she becomes a channel of power, creativity, and beauty, and joy reigns on earth.”
- Queen Afua
What is Womb Alchemy?
Womb Alchemy was created by Zapheria Bell and Dane Thomas. It is a marriage between The Spiral, which utilizes emotional clearing techniques, and the profound journey into the gates of the womb.
This 10-week journey is designed to transmute that which no longer serves you, connect you to your inner feminine wisdom and power, and fully activate and awaken your womb, so that you can immaculately birth children or projects, and be who you came here to be, untethered to past traumas and lineage wounding.
Over the course of our time together, we follow a sacred path through your body temple, into the womb, the place of the void and of creation, no-thing and everything, to awaken you to your full radiance, power, and unique essence.
“The collective state of women's wombs reflects the condition of the world.”
-Queen Afua, author of Sacred Woman

The Womb Alchemy Process
Gate 1: Yoni Lips
Releasing shame Increasing trust
Gate 2: G-Spot
Releasing stagnation Increasing flow and gratitude
Gate 3: Clitoris
Releasing dogma Increasing self-devotion and worship
Gate 4: Cervix
Releasing Judgement and resentment Increasing love and innocence
Gate 5: Womb
Releasing neediness and codependency Increasing Inner Union and connection to longings
Gate 6: Creation Point
Releasing the grip of the ego Increasing the ability to surrender to life and be led by the soul
Gate 7: Cosmic Womb
Releasing attachments to self Increasing ecstatic bliss and oneness with all that is
“There is nothing more powerful than a woman who is fully embodied, unapologetically herself and in her full Womb presence.”
-Zapheria Bell, co-creator of Womb Spiral
Upon completing Womb Alchemy, you can expect to leave with
A deep trust in life and in yourself
An intimate connection to your own body
Clarity around your Souls path
Increases sensation and pleasure
More connection, to self, others, and nature
Increased creative flow
Increased magnetism
More ease with manifesting and receiving prosperity
Freedom from past traumas and a renewed sense of safety in the body
Free from lineage wounds
More orgasmic and ecstatic birthing experiences
And the list goes on…
“Being sensually alive with a direct connection to the womb is the way we heal the world."
-Isadora Spearwoman
10 week one-on-one journey with one hour sessions per week.
All sessions are held over zoom.